To view or download our B-BBEE Verification Certification here: B-BBEE
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 19961 (“Constitution”) states that South Africa is a sovereign and democratic state that is founded on the advancement of human rights and an accountable, responsive and transparent system of governance as part of its values – Read More
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Die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 19961 (“Grondwet”) bepaal dat Suid-Afrika’n soewereine demokratiese staat is, wat gegrond is op die bevordering van menseregte en ‘n verantwoordelike, responsiewe en deursigtige stelsel van bestuur as deel van sy waardes. – Nog Info
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Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned to them
hereunder, namely1.1 “Access fee” or “request fee” means a fee prescribed in terms of section 54 of PAIA and Part III of the
Regulations for the purposes of access and reproduction as per Annexure 2- Read More
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Serr Synergy PAIA compliance certification for IP Dimension – can be downloaded here
Please ensure that you download and fill in the form correctly, then email it to us – download here
Please note: additional fees may apply – learn more
Please ensure that you download and fill in the form correctly, then email it to us – laai hier af
Please note: additional fees may apply – Nog info