To view or download our B-BBEE Verification Certification here: B-BBEE

The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 19961 (“Constitution”) states that South Africa is a sovereign and democratic state that is founded on the advancement of human rights and an accountable, responsive and transparent system of governance as part of its values – Read More

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Die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 19961 (“Grondwet”) bepaal dat Suid-Afrika’n soewereine demokratiese staat is, wat gegrond is op die bevordering van menseregte en ‘n verantwoordelike, responsiewe en deursigtige stelsel van bestuur as deel van sy waardes. – Nog Info

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Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned to them
hereunder, namely1.1 “Access fee” or “request fee” means a fee prescribed in terms of section 54 of PAIA and Part III of the
Regulations for the purposes of access and reproduction as per Annexure 2- Read More

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IP Dimension PAIA Manual

Serr Synergy PAIA compliance certification for IP Dimension – can be downloaded here

Please ensure that you download and fill in the form correctly, then email it to us – download here

Please note: additional fees may apply – learn more

Please ensure that you download and fill in the form correctly, then email it to us – laai hier af

Please note: additional fees may apply – Nog info

Download the Compliance Notice here.

Download the Request for Access to Record form here.

Download the Outcome of Request and of Fees Payable form here.

Building 32, Oxford Office Park
3 Bauhinia Street,
Highveld Techno Park,
Centurion, 0157

Phone: +27 12 665 4123

Information Officer: Riaan Lombard